Monday, July 21, 2008

Rocky Aoki

Again, I'm completely late with the reader, but shame on me for being all partial to whenevs my Asian people are in the media. Really became engrossed in the Benihana debacle. Turns out, there's an amazing chronicle of Aoki's life on the internetz, and well, there is something reflected in this article's depiction of the cavalier patriarch that is simultaneously impressive yet intensely problematic. You know what else? I've never seen a family tree (above) using THE SUED and THE NOT SUED as determining factors. Dang.

There will be a more critical update with this post. Despite being a self-identified feminist, the below is a pretty funny quotable!

He was helicoptered to a nearby hospital, where doctors removed his spleen and gall bladder and cut open his chest to perform a ten-hour coronary bypass. “Three days, unconscious,” he says. When he woke up, he recalls, “I’m completely naked, tube in my penis. I see my wife standing over me, on one side. On other side, I see my girlfriend…. I say, ‘Ohhh … shiiit!’ ”

I can't help but think that this is the kind of man my father hoped to be (or thinks he is now)


1 comment:

  1. hahaha tight!
    my dad's got a tube in his penis called a penis, too.

    thanks for accidentally finding my blog. i definitely dig yours too.

    ill iterate
